Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cell Phone...ahem...Services

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I missed you, Sprint. You may have been in my pocket all this time, but you weren't really there. You were distant, cold, indifferent. I never felt so lonely as when you were around. I wanted things to be like they were, when we were new.

We've been together a long time, but it hasn't always been easy. You've dropped my calls. You've made me sit on hold. I even had to listen to that terrible elevator music while I waited. (Who picks that stuff out, anyway? Nobody likes easy listening jazz, why not spice it up a little? Throw me some Journey or Skynard...whatever you want, just save us the Kenny G!! How can I take you seriously when you don't even care about your own appearence?)

Today was a tough day for us. I had to call and tell you something that wasn't easy for me to say: I had found another. It's not that I wasn't happy with you, I was, but there are things Verizon wanted to do for me that you just didn't do anymore. They paid attention to me. They made promises you couldn't make. Or maybe you just didn't want to. When it comes down to it, they made me feel wanted. It's that what we all want? Someone to tell us that we matter, that we're important, that we're not just another pretty face. (What I can't get in my personal life, I seek in a wireless provider.)

I didn't want to do it, but you forced me. And then came the promises. New phone, discounted service, and, I shouldn't be talking about this, even...additional services. Really, I thought to myself, this is getting embarrassing. I wanted you to just accept that it was over, but you couldn't do it. That's when I realized, I didn't want to accept it either.

We've been together long enough for both of us to admit, we have too much history to just walk away from so easily. Sure, Verizon was flashy, they have better commercials, cooler phones, maybe even better service...but are they going to be there for me like you were? It's always exciting to start a new relationship, but once the honeymoon is over all there is is the love and trust built over the years. I couldn't do it. I had strayed, but you brought me back.

I hope we can make this a new beginning. It's hard for me to talk like this, but some things need to be said. Sprint, I...I...I love you.

PS-For everyone that changed my number in their, change it back.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

moral of this story: John's love can be bought by whining, begging, groveling and promises of change.

Oh, and shiny new toys... kinky, Kleif, kinky..